Redesigning BCA Mobile App
BCA is one of the largest banks in Indonesia, with active customers as of September 2019 reaching 21 million. Of the many customers, only 1.8% of users make transactions through the BCA branch office. The remaining 98.2% of customers have transacted using mobile banking and internet banking.
With so many users switching to virtual transactions, it certainly raises high expectations for excellent virtual services. One of them is through the BCA Mobile application. This can be reflected in the BCA Mobile app store review page. Many users provide input or criticism so that performance and appearance can be better.
Observing these adorable reviews, I would like to explore or redesign some pages from BCA Mobile. This is so that the application can be easier to use, and get better feedback from users.
Design Process
I use the design thinking approach to carry out this redesign process, where the process includes empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and validate.
- Empathize
From the reviews given by users of the BCA Mobile application, I have several hypotheses about the user’s behavior.
- Users have a low impression of the existing interface design.
- Users complained about the performance and money transfer mechanism.
- Some information is hard to find, even though the information is already available
User Surveys
I use Google form to survey some users who have used BCA Mobile. Participants have used BCA Mobile from 6 months to 10 years.
After identifying the problem based on the data that has been obtained, then I create a persona to facilitate the making of solutions.
2. Define
Some important points that I got after getting the survey results are as follows:
- The design of BCA Mobile needs to be improved
- The transfer process needs to be simplified
- Users have difficulty finding their account numbers and promos provided by BCA
- Some people feel safe to display the balance of their money on the home page, while others do not
After understanding what is felt by the users. So in this redesign process, I set several goals. Among others are:
- Redesign a few pages to make it more informative and up to date
- Provides a simple transfer process
- Group information efficiently
If transformed in the form of pain points, it will be as follows:
Pain Point 1, the design is not up to date
Pain Point 2, When transferring to a new account number, the user must perform 2 steps that are not continuous.
Pain Point 3, Inbox pages that are fragmented by each category
3. Ideate
Referring to the existing pain points, I sketched a low-fidelity that can accommodate the goals that have been written above.
4. Prototype
Pain Point 1, The design is not up to date
Home Page
On this page, I still maintain round menus. Then I add some information that is difficult for users to find, such as account numbers and promos.
I also added the current balance and monthly balance. However, this information can be hidden by the user, if they feel uncomfortable displaying their money balance on the front page. The important point is that the user is given the discretion to determine the appearance that is comfortable for him.
Detail Account
On this page, users will get two tabs of information, namely current balance, and monthly balance. Current balance is commonly displayed in banking applications, but here I also add a monthly balance, so users can more easily track expenses every month. The mutation account can also be downloaded by the user in PDF format.
On the transactions page, I provide a tab that contains three large transactions, namely m-Transfer, m-Payment, and m-Commerce. Each tab contains a menu in the current application, but I add the option to the user, whether the menu will be displayed in a list or grid. Users can adjust to their preferences.
At the bottom of the menu, I provide a list of recent transfers that the user has done, plus a list of favorite transactions selected by the user. This is certainly to speed up user access when making transactions.
QR-code and Profile
I changed the QR-code page with a clean look, while still maintaining the information in the current application. While on the profile page, I added several settings that are useful for user mobility.
Pain Point 2, When transferring to a new account number, the user must perform 2 steps that are not continuous.
Money Transfer Process
Looking at the current transfer process, the user must register an account separately before making a money transfer. In my opinion, this is not effective, so the money transfer process should also be included in registering a new account.
The process will be as below, which only takes 3 steps. First, the user enters the account number and transfer amount in the ‘new account’ tab. If he wants to save the account number then he can check the ‘save account number’ checkbox. Second, the user confirms the data that has been inputted, this also replaces the checking process that is at the stage of registering an account in the current application. Third, the user enters the MPIN password.
Pain Point 3, Inbox pages that are fragmented by each category
When viewing the existing application design, the inbox column will be in each transaction category. This will be quite difficult if the user wants to check or compare the inboxes of each category. Therefore, I combine inboxes from several categories into one page, so that users can check it faster.
5. Validate
In this validation process, I do a usability test on several people, to measure how effective the design (the solution of the problem) that I offer. Here are the results of the test:
The interface design of BCA Mobile is arguably simple, but on some sides, it has a less effective groove. This makes the user sometimes can not use it easily. In addition, the simple design has no up to date touch. Understanding the ‘up to date’ does not merely mean hype or colorful design.
It is time for a banking application that already has an established business, to follow the flow of application creativity that has proven to be of interest to many users. BCA should not be lazy and complacent with what they have now, because their customers also want excellent service.
Contributor: Salis Fahrudin